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An interactive SARS-CoV-2 pan proteome evolution tracker

Recently evolved variants

The submenu “Recently evolved variants” provides information about the country-wise and month-wise frequency of occurrence of new variants that have emerged for the first time during the past 2 months (from the date of the last update of the database)

In CoVe-tracker, user can select the country of their interest from the dropdown "Country" along with the PANGO Lineage of their interest (from "PANGO lineage" dropdown) and PANGO Lineage-variant (from "PANGO lineage-variant" dropdown) to get the month wise evolutionary dynamics of a particular variant in the selected country in a line plot.

The users can also have the flexibility to choose the timeline. The frequency of the selected PANGO lineage-variant (Y-axis) is shown with respect to different months (X-axis).

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