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An interactive SARS-CoV-2 pan proteome evolution tracker

Lineage wise variant and mutation list

This page provides the lineage wise categorization of different variants and the concomitant HR, MR and LR mutations. Note that HR stands for "Highly recurring mutations" (percentage frequency (PF) greater than 10%), MR stands for "Moderately recurring mutation" (MR) (PF=1-10%) and LR stands for "Low recurring mutation" (LR) (PF below 1%, but, occurs at least 3 times) (Patro LPP et al.(2021) and Patro LPP et al.(2021) see these references for details). The users can also get more details like the country of first occurence, country of last occurence, date of first occurrence, and the date of last occurrence corresponding to the variant of their interest.

Click "+" symbol in column "ID" for more details
ID Variant Frequency First occurence Mutation count HR mutations MR mutations LR mutations Lineage Last occurence First occuring country Last occuring country Country count