ZnF-Prot: Zinc finger motifs in proteome

Proteome wide automated prediction of zinc finger motifs

ZnF prediction »

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Zinc finger motif Prediction

In ZnF-Prot web server user can use various input formats for zinc finger (ZnF) motif prediction

1. User can enter PDB ID for prediction
2. User can paste protein query sequence in FASTA format for prediction
3. User can upload protein/proteome query sequence in FASTA format for prediction

Enter the PDB ID in the given below text area


Choose the experimental method for given PDB ID
Experimental method of PDB ID:   

Paste the input protein sequence(s) in FASTA format

Enter your E-mail ID for getting Job ID and completion status (compulsory)
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Upload the file that contains proteome/input protein sequence(s) in FASTA format (.fasta file)

Enter your E-mail ID for getting Job ID and completion status (compulsory)
(Check your spam folder for email notification)