Welcome to AagingBase
Aging is the decline in physiological processes that occurs over time in living things. With advancing age, the living organisms will be more susceptible to disorders that will affect their metabolism. This causes issues with an individual's ability to perform routine tasks. While all living things eventually age, the process is far more nuanced and poorly understood than any other. Peptide therapies are widely used due to their low immunogenicity and low production costs, but they also have limitations in terms of stability, half-life, membrane permeability, and toxicity. Designing peptides with compatible length and amino acid composition for membrane permeability will enable peptide therapeutics to target a wide variety of molecules and receptors. Now, to connect the dots between anti aging peptide therapeutics and the database, AagingBase has been developed. AagingBase brings 282 experimentally validated anti-aging peptides under one umbrella.
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AagingBase Features

Features collected experimental information of peptides from research articles and patents

Physicochemical Information
Features physicochemical information of peptides that have been calculated

Structural Information
Features secondary structure fractions and graphical representation of the teritiary structure of peptides.

Allows BLAST-P and Smith-Waterman similarity search against the sequences of AagingBase
Data type
Length Composition
Note: Due to complexities in classification, the total count in subfigures D, E, and F may not reach 282 peptides as not all classification cases are depicted in these subplots. It's also important to note that some peptides exhibit multiple or overlapping characteristics, contributing to the variability in the depicted counts.
Reference for citation
Kunjulakshmi R, Ambuj Kumar, Keerthana Vinod Kumar, Avik Sengupta, Kavita Kundal, Simran Sharma, Ankita Pawar, Pithani Sai Krishna, Mohammad Alfatah, Sandipan Ray, Bhavana Tiwari, Rahul Kumar, AagingBase: a comprehensive database of anti-aging peptides, Database, Volume 2024, 2024, baae016, https://doi.org/10.1093/database/baae016