Download page
The Download page allows the download of datatables kept in AagingBase . To obtain further details, refer to the Help page. Please feel free to submit any query if any.
The file contiains the amino acid sequences of the anti-aging peptides of AagingBase. Sequences are represented in single letter code in CSV format.
The file contains the calculated amino acid compositions of the anti-aging peptides of AagingBase in CSV format. The CSV file shows the percentage of composition of each amino acid in its corresponding peptide sequence.
The file contains the calculated amino acid frequency of the anti-aging peptides of AagingBase in CSV format. The CSV file shows the frequency of occurences of each amino acid in its corresponding peptide sequence.
The file contains the calculated physicochemical properties of the anti-aging peptides of AagingBase in CSV format. A file containing the definition of the descriptors is also available.
The file contains the calculated secondary structure fractions of the anti-aging peptides of AagingBase in CSV format.
The file contains detailed description of each page kept in the AagingBase.