ABSD: Acinetobacter baumannii K-antigen three-dimensional Structure Database

Home K-antigen structures Protein Sequence Diversity Documentation

K antigens or capsular polysaccharides (CPS) are repeating units of sugars linked by glycosidic linkages. The sugar composition and the linkages have been determined by chemical, enzymatic methods so far, some of which include methylation analysis, bacteriophage borne endo-glycanases, and Smith degradation analysis. These methods have been further supported by 1H- and 13C-NMR. (Nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra, ORD (Optical rotatory dispersion) and CD (Circular dichroism) spectra of the oligosaccharides.The database comprises three dimensional structures of the K antigens, that were modeled in GLYCAM web server (Woods Group. (2005-2015) GLYCAM Web. Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (http://www.glycam.com)) and were subsequently minimized by CHARMM 36 forcefield. Classification of KL serotypes based on the initial transferases can be referred from the documentaion (itrs)

Click on the links below to get 3D structural information on the antigen
All schematic representations of CPS repeating units are grouped majorly into six categories based on their first monomers : (i) bacillosamine (ItrA1), (ii) N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (ItrA2), (iii) N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (ItrA3),(iv) D-galactose (ItrA4), (v) N-acetyl-D-quinovosamine or N-acetyl-L-fucosamine (ItrB1), (vi) N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (Itr A3,B2), (vii) N-acetyl-L-fucosamine (ItrB3).

A. baumannii
AK1 AK15 AK17 AK19 AK20 AK21 AK25 AK35 AK39 AK53
AK2 AK3 AK5 AK6 AK7 AK14 AK22 AK27 AK30 AK32
AK33 AK37 AK42 AK44 AK46 AK57 AK82 AK93 AK116 AK127
AK128 AK139 AK218
AK11 AK16 AK24 AK26 AK43 AK45 AK47 AK48 AK55 AK74
AK83 AK85 AK86 AK87 AK88 AK89 AK90 AK106 AK112 AK144
AK4 AK91 AK98
itr A3,B2
AK8 AK49 AK54
AK12 AK13 AK73 AK125