Antigen Name : K39
Schematic representation

Chemical representation

Note: K-antigen (A) corresponds to 3-OH-butyrate group substitution and (B) corresponds to acetyl substitution in the place of 'R' in the given Chemical representation
K-antigen: K39(A)
K-antigen: K39(B)
(Chemical representation is adopted from following reference paper(s))
Kenyon, J. J., Shneider, M. M., Senchenkova, S. N., Shashkov, A. S., Siniagina, M. N., Malanin, S. Y., ... & Knirel, Y. A. (2016). K19 capsular polysaccharide of Acinetobacter baumannii is produced via a Wzy polymerase encoded in a small genomic island rather than the KL19 capsule gene cluster. Microbiology, 162(8), 1479-1489.