Antigen Name : K27
Schematic representation

Chemical representation

Note: K-antigen (A) corresponds to 3-OH-butyrate group substitution and (B) corresponds to acetyl substitution in the place of 'R' in the given Chemical representation
K-antigen: K27(A)
K-antigen: K27(B)
(Chemical representation is adopted from following reference paper(s))
Shashkov, A. S., Kenyon, J. J., Senchenkova, S. Y. N., Shneider, M. M., Popova, A. V., Arbatsky, N. P., ... & Knirel, Y. A. (2016). Acinetobacter baumannii K27 and K44 capsular polysaccharides have the same K unit but different structures due to the presence of distinct wzy genes in otherwise closely related K gene clusters. Glycobiology, 26(5), 501-508.