ABSD: Acinetobacter baumannii K-antigen three-dimensional Structure Database

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Details of the antigen

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Antigen Name : K8


Schematic representation

Chemical representation

Note: K-antigen (A) corresponds to 3-OH-butyrate group substitution and (B) corresponds to acetyl substitution in the place of 'R' in the given Chemical representation

K-antigen: K8(A)

K-antigen: K8(B)


(Chemical representation is adopted from following reference paper(s))
Arbatsky, N. P., Kenyon, J. J., Kasimova, A. A., Shashkov, A. S., Shneider, M. M., Popova, A. V., ... & Hall, R. M. (2019). K units of the K8 and K54 capsular polysaccharides produced by Acinetobacter baumannii BAL 097 and RCH52 have the same structure but contain different di-N-acyl derivatives of legionaminic acid and are linked differently. Carbohydrate research, 483, 107745.