Biomarkers of AML


The following table shows some of the biomarkers of AML resourced from the published literatures. Click here to download the table :

HCKmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticStromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores evaluation p<0.048TCGA-LAML 35280440Pathway Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Cox Regression Analysis and Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis , Go Analysis, Kegg AnalysisESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms, R package, clusterprofiler package, STRING database, Cytoscape, Spearman’s or Pearson’s correlation test, heatmap, intersection analysis200 patients
ITGB2mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticStromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores evaluation p<0.005TCGA-LAML 35280440Pathway Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Cox Regression Analysis and Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis , Go Analysis, Kegg AnalysisESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms, R package, clusterprofiler package, STRING database, Cytoscape, Spearman’s or Pearson’s correlation test, heatmap, intersection analysis201 patients
ITGAMmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticStromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores evaluation p<0.04TCGA-LAML 35280440Pathway Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Cox Regression Analysis and Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis , Go Analysis, Kegg AnalysisESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms, R package, clusterprofiler package, STRING database, Cytoscape, Spearman’s or Pearson’s correlation test, heatmap, intersection analysis202 patients
CCR5mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticStromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores evaluation p<0.021TCGA-LAML 35280440Pathway Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Cox Regression Analysis and Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis , Go Analysis, Kegg AnalysisESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms, R package, clusterprofiler package, STRING database, Cytoscape, Spearman’s or Pearson’s correlation test, heatmap, intersection analysis203 patients
CD4mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticStromal, immune, and ESTIMATE scores evaluation p<0.003TCGA-LAML 35280440Pathway Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Cox Regression Analysis and Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis , Go Analysis, Kegg AnalysisESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms, R package, clusterprofiler package, STRING database, Cytoscape, Spearman’s or Pearson’s correlation test, heatmap, intersection analysis204 patients
CSF1RRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticPlatelet-decreased AML Vs platelet-not decreased AML p<0.05TCGA, GDAC 35887121Differentially Expressed Gene Analysis, Pathway Analysis and Network Analysis, Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–ilk Test,wilcoxon Rank Sum Test ,chi-square For Trend Or Fisher’s Exact TestSupport Vector Machines, Random Forest, logistic regression, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation, DESeq2 , ROCR, factoextra R package,gplots, Cytoscape software37 NK-AML patients.
TNFSF15 RNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticPlatelet-decreased AML Vs platelet-not decreased AML p<0.05TCGA, GDAC 35887121Differentially Expressed Gene Analysis, Pathway Analysis, And Network Analysis, Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk Test, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test , Chi-Square For Trend Or Fisher’s Exact TestSupport Vector Machines, Random Forest, logistic regression, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation, DESeq2 , ROCR, factoextra R package,gplots, Cytoscape software38 NK-AML patients.
CLEC10ARNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticPlatelet-decreased AML Vs platelet-not decreased AML p<0.05TCGA, GDAC 35887121Differentially Expressed Gene Analysis, Pathway Analysis, And Network Analysis, Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk Test, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test , Chi-Square For Trend Or Fisher’s Exact TestSupport Vector Machines, Random Forest, logistic regression, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation, DESeq2 , ROCR, factoextra R package,gplots, Cytoscape software39 NK-AML patients.
Basigin(BSG)RNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and DiagnosticAML cell lines (Kasumi-3,Kasumi-1, NB4, HT93, MUTZ-3, and U937)vs normal CD34+ cellsp<0.05Cell Line 35054026RNA extraction, Gene Expression Analysis, ELISA , Western Blot ,DNA isolation, SNP selection and genotypingReal Statistics Resource Pack for Microsoft Excel 2013, RStudio ,GraphPad Prism , Haploview 4.2 software, Fisher’s exact test37 AML patients and 25 healthy blood donors for serum BSG,92 AML patients and 135 healthy blood donors BSG and MCT1 genetic variants analysis
MCTsRNAHumanUpregulation except mutz-3 PrognosticAML cell lines (Kasumi-3,Kasumi-1, NB4, HT93, MUTZ-3, and U937)vs normal CD34+ cellsp<0.05Cell Line 35054026RNA extraction, Gene Expression Analysis, ELISA , Western Blot ,DNA isolation, SNP selection and genotypingReal Statistics Resource Pack for Microsoft Excel 2013, RStudio ,GraphPad Prism , Haploview 4.2 software, Fisher’s exact test38 AML patients and 25 healthy blood donors for serum BSG,92 AML patients and 135 healthy blood donors BSG and MCT1 genetic variants analysis
CLL-1proteinHumanDownregulationPrognostic and Diagnosticcomparing CLL-1 with CD33 and CD34p<0.05Bone Marrow 33778076Chisquare Test, Student’s t test, Kaplan-Meier method, Log-rank tests. Univariate and Multivariate analysis, Cox-Regression modelSPSS 19 software52 patients
FLT3mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
PF4mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
CD163mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
PPBPmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
CSF2RBmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
MRC1mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictivemRNA chip datasets comparison between AML patients and normal BM tissuesp<0.05GEPIA2,TCGA and GEO ,blood 35116245Functional Enrichment Analysis, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Network, Survival analysis, Spearman Correlation AnalysisSTRING (11.0) database and Cytoscape (3.7.2) software, GSCA Lite, Molecular Complex Detection, Centralities for Cytoscape (Centiscape2.2),Gene Ontology,KEGG) pathway enrichment, BloodSpot, Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP) analysis,DAVID,Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC)GSE947626 samples of AML patients and 20 samples of healthy volunteers, while GSE30029 contained 90 samples of AML patients and 31 samples of healthy volunteers
MAP4K1shRNAHuman, miceUpregulationPrognostic and PredictiveMoharringtonine (HHT)-resistant and Homoharringtonine (HHT)-sensitive cell line(MV4-11 R10, MV4-11 R30, MV4-11 R50. The MV4-11 (CVCL_0064), MV4-11 R10, MV4-11 R30, MV4-11 R50, MOLM13 (CVCL_2119) and THP-1 (CVCL_0006), KG-1 (CVCL_1824), HL-60 (CVCL_A794), Kasumi (CVCL_058)p<0.01Bone Marrow 34166980RNA-seq profiling, STR profiling, student's t-tests, Multivariate analysis, Kaplan -Mayer method, Log-rank Test, Cox Regression ModelIVIS, GraphPad Prism 5, Calcusyn, GEPIA, DE Seq R package178 patients
CD37mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M5p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5000 tumor samples from 20 studies
SHKBP1mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M6p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5001 tumor samples from 20 studies
PDLM2mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M7p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5002 tumor samples from 20 studies
HMHA1mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M8p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5003 tumor samples from 20 studies
RNPEPL1mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M9p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5004 tumor samples from 20 studies
CSKmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M10p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5005 tumor samples from 20 studies
TREX1mRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M11p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5006 tumor samples from 20 studies
WASmRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticGDM-1, HL-60, KG-1, Kasumi-1, Kasumi-6, ME-1, MOLM-13, MOLM-16, MUTZ-3, OCI-AML3, OCI-AML2,OCI-AML5, OCI-M1 and SIG-M12p<0.01cBioPortal,CCLE 32400873RNA-seq, Pathway Enrichment Analysis ,Protein–Protein Interaction (PPI) Network Analysis, Differential Expression Analysis, PROFILE Plotting, Correlation Analysis, Patient Survival Analysis, Similar Gene Detection And Dimensionality Reduction AnalysisGEPIA,UALCAN, metascape, DiseaseMeth5007 tumor samples from 20 studies
FST317& FST344 isoformsmRNAZebrafish,human, miceUpregulationPredictive Xenotransplantation of FLT3/ITD mRNA from human to mice & zebrafishp<0.01Serum 32134197Fst targetting by shrna, Crispr/cas9 or Antisense Oligo, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (CHIP)-qPCR, molecular cloning, lentivirus transfection, RNA-sequencing and proteomics analysis, LC-MS/MS using Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Mass Spectrometer Interfaced With Dionex 3000rslc Nanol ,elisa,apoptosis And Clonogenic AnalysesSTAR version 2.5, RSEM version 1.2.31, BSeq version 1.10.0,volcano plot (GraphPad), Gene Ontology Consortium, Partek Genomics Suite, Maxquant version, Andromeda algorithmWild-type AB zebrafish line, AML cell lines (V4-11, MOLM-13, THP-1, OCI-AML3, KG-1, ML2, NB-4, and Kasumi-1)
miR-122miRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticlower and higher BM miR-122 expression in de novo AML patientsp<0.05Bone marrow 29627222Cox-regression analysis, Mann-Whitney’s U test, Pearson Chi-square analysis/Fisher exact test, Kaplan-Meier method, Univariate and multivariate analysis of Cox regression modelsSPSS software (version 20.0)116 de novo AML patients including 55 CN-AML patients
hsa‐miR‐509miRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticAML dataset were divided into training set and testing setp<0.05TCGA 30242879Multivariate and Univariate Cox model, Risk score, Kaplan‐Meier curve, Random permutation test TargetScan, miRanda, and miRTarBase229 patients and 59 CN-AML cohorts
hsa‐miR‐542miRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticAML dataset were divided into training set and testing setp<0.05TCGA 30242879Multivariate and Univariate Cox model, Risk score, Kaplan‐Meier curve, Random permutation test TargetScan, miRanda, and miRTarBase230 patients and 59 CN-AML cohorts
hsa‐miR‐146amiRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticAML dataset were divided into training set and testing setp<0.05TCGA 30242879Multivariate and Univariate Cox model, Risk score, Kaplan‐Meier curve, Random permutation test TargetScan, miRanda, and miRTarBase231 patients and 59 CN-AML cohorts
hsa‐miR‐3667miRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticAML dataset were divided into training set and testing setp<0.05TCGA 30242879Multivariate and Univariate Cox model, Risk score, Kaplan‐Meier curve, Random permutation test TargetScan, miRanda, and miRTarBase232 patients and 59 CN-AML cohorts
miR‑135amiRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticHL60, AML193, AML2, AML5 and HS-5 normal cells, AML patient samples and normal samplesp<0.05Blood 29845297Kaplan-Meier method, Log-rank test, Two-tail Student's t-test, one-way ANOVA andTukey's post hoc testNA29 AML patients and 11 normal cohorts
HOXA10miRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticHL60, AML193, AML2, AML5 and HS-5 normal cells, AML patient samples and normal samplesp<0.05Blood 29845297Kaplan-Meier method, Log-rank test, Two-tail Student's t-test, one-way ANOVA andTukey's post hoc testNA30 AML patients and 11 normal cohorts
miR-34amiRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticNormal vs diseasedp<0.05Serum 29945348Kruskal-Wallis test, Chi- 85 square test, Kaplan- 89 Meier methodGraphPad Prism 6.0 and Statistical Program for 78 Social Sciences 18.0 software117 AML patients and 60 normal cohorts, 56 CN-AML patients
microRNA-328miRNAHumanDownregulationPrognosticNormal vs diseasedp<0.05Plasma 26185105Mann–Whitney U-test, paired t test, Chi-square analysis ,Fisher exact test, Univariate logistic regression analysis, multivariate logistic analysis, Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank testSPSS 16.0176 AML patients and 70 healthy cohorts
miR-3151miRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticExpression of miR-3151 alone vs in combination with BAALCp<0.05Bone marrow 26430723Kaplan–Meier method, log-rank test, Gray test, χ2-test, t-test, Fisher's exact test, Cox proportional hazards model, multivariate analysisR 2.12 software, MaxStat package, TIGR Multiexperiment viewer version 4.0 software and BRB Array Tools version 3.5.0 software 181 IR-AML patients
miR-362-5pmiRNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticHigh vs low expression of miR-362-5p in AML patientsp<0.05Bone marrow 29540187Kaplan–Meier method, univariate analysis, Cox proportional hazard regression model, multivariate analysis, nonparametric test and Chi square testR software224 AML patients
miR-216bmiRNAHumanUpregulationPrognostic and PredictiveNormal vs diseasedp<0.05Bone marrow 28884855Mann-Whitney’s U test, Pearson Chi-square analysis/Fisher exact test, Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox regression analysis (univariate and multivariate analysis).SPSS software version 20.0115 de novo AML patients and 32 healthy donors
NPM1DNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticMutations in de novo CN-AML adultp<0.06Bone marrow 36937459Mann-Whitney-U test, Fisher’s exact test, multivariate Cox proportional hazard modelSPSS statistical software package( version 20.0), STATA software (version 11)151 CN-AML patients
CEBPA DNAHumanUpregulationPrognosticMutations in de novo CN-AML adultp<0.07Bone marrow 36937459Mann-Whitney-U test, Fisher’s exact test, multivariate Cox proportional hazard modelSPSS statistical software package( version 20.0), STATA software (version 11)152 CN-AML patients